
Bugs in DevKit

Publish date: 09/28/2024 •  Bug • Devkit-pro •  Niko Strobel


3 bugs I noticed: 

  1. In the plugin description are two typos.
    “Plugin crafted for dPlugins instalations and debuging” -> should be installations and debugging.
    I have reported this previously, but it’s not been fixed in the latest version. It just doesn’t look very professional in the plugin list. 
  2. On the devkit pages (i.e. /wp-admin/admin.php?page=dPlugins-installation-tools), the WP dashboard inherits the font of Devkit. I am sure this can be fixed easily. Not sure why we need a different font anyway.
  3. In the file explorer, when a folder is downloaded, DevKit creates a zip file and downloads it, but never deletes the zip. I suppose it’s that way because the plugin doesn’t know when the download has completed and the zip can safely be deleted. However, this could be solved for example with a cleanup wpcron that runs once a day. 



  • support says:

    1. The spelling mistakes will be covered in next update.

    2. The font-style, I’ve forwarded this to the team.

    3. For the deleting zip file via AJAX or some other method, can’t be implemented because we may not know, if a user created the zip for that folder manually for some purpose or it is created automatically when downloading the folder, and it is not done in any other plugin as well for the same reason. You can only manually delete them after download.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

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