
Unable to use adobe Fonts

Publish date: 07/15/2024 •  Bug • Font-hero •  Alyssa Kulesa


I was most interested in Font Hero because I need a solution to use Adobe Fonts with WordPress 6.5.5 and a FSE theme–Spectra One. However, after watching the documentation videos and trying numerous workarounds, I can’t get Adobe fonts to work. 

I’m not sure if pasting in the CSS is necessary directly into the theme area, all of the videos seem to imply it’s not. 

Please help. 




  • support says:

    Sorry for the delayed reply, Our team members are out of internet because of country-rules, and are back now.

    I’ll check this issue tomorrow and finalize this.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

  • support says:

    Hi There, You need to go to the Spectra settings and disabled all the fonts from google and so on, then go to the FSE theme editor, go to Styles and then Additional CSS,

    You can put the custom css there, like below :

    font-family: var(–fh-unica);

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    font-family: var(–fh-urw-din-condensed);

    For the variables name, you can check the Font Hero > Features > CSS Preview, you can find the variables here for the fonts that contains the fallback fonts as well.

    I’ve already put the above css in that place, but it is commented so will not work until you uncomment it.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

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