
Not able to open adminer

Publish date: 03/14/2024 •  Bug • Devkit-pro •  Marco

I’m not able to apen adminer.

When I click I recive a 403 error. (I attached an screenshot)

I did restart Litespeed

I did resave permalinks.

Not working

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  • support says:

    As I’m seeing that you are using 8G firewall in .htaccess file, that’s why the adminer is not working because 8G firewall has a rule to stop accessing database from within WP. You need ask 8G firewall support to solve this issue.

    ask them to exclude this file

    When you got an answer from them, let us know as well, so that we can add that to our FAQs.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

  • Marco says:

    Thank you for the answer.

    I have my own server.
    I’m adding this code in my htacces befor 8g rules with any luck:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/plugin/devkit/includes/adminer/load.php$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ – [L]

    Could be something else?

    Thank You

  • Marco says:

    Ok, I found it.
    I had to whitelist this one

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-content/plugins/devkit/includes/adminer/adminer.php$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ – [L]

    • support says:

      Is it solved by doing this ?

      and you are putting this above the 8G firewall rules or below it ?

      Let me know then I’ll add it to our FAQs, thanks in advance.

      Mohammad Arshad
      DPlugins Support

  • Marco says:

    Yes. it’s solved by doing this with the code that I send to you.
    It’s before 8g rules.

    I also save permalinks and reestart openlitespeed (Not 100% sure that is need it, but I did it)

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