On the Main plugin File if the plugin is licenced, it isn’t adding a correct download link, a quick video below to show it in action but the text below is probably enough
When unlicensed:
define($plugin_prefix . ‘_REMOTE_URL’, ‘https://meritorious-trout-cea82b.instawp.xyz/wp-content/plugins/hoster/inc/secure-download.php?file=json&download=10&token=c22964829d52d0e378571a46ed2c2b4a726d867be575b61735062e49efafc117’);
This is Correct, but when it’s licenced, you will see below that the placeholder is left in place
When Licenced:
define($plugin_prefix . ‘_REMOTE_URL’, ‘https://meritorious-trout-cea82b.instawp.xyz/wp-content/plugins/hoster/inc/secure-download.php?file=json&download=10&token=PLACE_HOSTER_TOKEN_HERE’);
Hello Nathan,
This is not a bug, it is done on purpose to secure the token when the plugin is licensed. So, you will have to save the token returned by the “activate_license” function and saved it in database. Then you can pass the value in place of “PLACE_HOSTER_TOKEN_HERE”
This is done on purpose to secure the info.json file for security for licensed plugins.