
Winden + Oxygen: JS errors in editor & unable to edit plain classes

Publish date: 02/16/2025 •  Bug • Winden •  BWP Codes

Dear Support-Team,

Again, Winden is acting up. Now I am unable to edit and save the plain classes in Version 2.6.3. It is getting extremely frustrating to work with Winden.

You can observe the issue on the website linked in the ticket. I am looking forward to a timely fix.

Thanks and regards



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  • BWP Codes says:

    PS: “winden_autocomplete” related errors only appear when “Use Tailwind CDN for Admin” is not active. When this is enabled, the following errors appear: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Failed to execute ‘appendChild’ on ‘Node’: Identifier ‘observerConfig’ has already been declared”

  • support says:

    Hi, I was testing the fix on the website, and it crashes somehow, Can I have the FTP or you can delete the folder “winden” and rename the “winden-current-backup” to “winden” and reply here.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

    • BWP Codes says:

      Hi Mohammad,

      I have deleted the “winden” folder and renamed the “winden-current-backup” to “winden”. I wish you great success with the fix!


      • support says:

        I’ve uploaded the new Winden ( it is not released yet) kindly check the things, if the save option is solved.

        For the first error winden_autocomplete, Users must to have CDN enabled for Admin to have the autocomplete suggestions, breakpoints separate inputs, otherwise it won’t work fine, and create issues as well like don’t delete classes from elements when I delete the class and so…

        Mohammad Arshad
        DPlugins Support

  • support says:

    This is solved with the new version Kindly update to Winden 2.6.4.

    Mohammad Arshad
    DPlugins Support

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