
Cache erorr when saved

Publish date: 11/28/2024 •  Bug • Winden •  Jason Kinney

I am very familiar with running tailwind in WordPress and adding tailwind plugins, and I have read the Winden DOCs.

I am getting an cache error: Unexpected token ‘:’. Additionally, when I press save it appears to save but if I ext the Winden screen and return all edits are removed.

I have given up on trying to add

I am also trying to add, see this readme: and I am not having any success.

I am confused over the Winden fluid text feature, is there a strong reason to use this over tailwindcss-fluid-typography?

I guess the goal is fix the cache error and than get tailwindcss-animated running and than a fluid text option.

This is not a live site and if it breaks it does not matter. I have just started it by first setting up Winden.

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